Patent Analysis Technical Experts

When it comes to patent analysis, details matter.  Fusion Engineering’s detail-oriented staff understands the intricacies involved with patent analysis and can assist with developing a strategy to clarify the technical issues at the heart of the matter.  With over a decade of patent experience, and several patent holders on-staff, the Fusion Engineering staff has the technical expertise to assist in the patent process from start to finish.  Fusion Engineering scientists, engineers, and technicians can build custom models and simulations to explore and explain the subject matter with a scientific approach. Our experts have extensive experience in all stages of the patent process, including patent prosecution, prior art searches, claim construction (using both intrinsic and extrinsic evidence), questions of validity and infringement, reexamination, and preparation of demonstrative exhibits to explain and convey technical information.  Our multi-disciplinary team has expertise in a wide variety of subject matters including mechanical systems, materials engineering, chemical processes, pharmaceuticals, industrial/manufacturing processes, and product design.

Examples of patent matters we’ve worked on include:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical instruments
  • Household appliances
  • Bicycle suspensions
  • Plumbing systems
  • Welding wire
  • Engine coolers
  • Golf balls
  • Manufacturing processes
  • Machinery components
  • Vehicle components and processes
  • Agricultural equipment
  • Mining equipment